The Next Program

The connector between graduating university students and the job market is currently lacking. With this program, we equip students with all the soft skills needed to ultimately secure their preferred jobs.

How it works

University students that fit the criteria of final year undergraduates simply need to sign up for The Next Program here. By signing up, students get access to a learning schedule that would guide their learning process and ultimately, give them a firm foot into their desired field.

University students that fit the criteria of final year undergraduates simply need to sign up
By signing up, students get access to a learning schedule that would guide their learning process
and ultimately, give them a firm foot into their desired field
Our Courses
Job Market 101

Sub-Course 1: Introduction
Sub-Course 2: CVs, Resumes and Cover Letter
Sub-Course 3: Hiring Process
Sub-Course 4: The Job Interview
Sub-Course 5: Starting your job
Sub-Course 6: Communicating for Impact
Sub-Course 7: Becoming a Star Player Sub-Course 8: Final Tips

Available August 2021

Introduction to Microsoft Office

Sub-Course 1: Microsoft Word
Sub-Course 2: Microsoft Excel
Sub-Course 3: Microsoft Power Point
Sub-Course 4: Google Work-Place
Sub-Course 5: Drop Box
Sub-Course 6: Communication Tools (Zoom and Teams)
Sub-Course 7: Final Tips

Available August 2021

Introduction to Digital Marketing

Sub-Course 1: introduction to Digital Marketing and Corporate Social Media
Sub-Course 2: Introduction to App Development
Sub-Course 3: Final Tips

Available August 2021

Get access to a learning schedule that would guide your learning process. Get Started
Our Approach

Assessing the corporate space in Nigeria, there are a handful of institutions that run consistent and well-structured internship programs for undergraduates.

The few organizations that have proper programs have limited spaces confined to the best students with first class or second-class upper grades, limiting the opportunity for many undergraduates with lower grades who may equally have the same drive, passion and commitment to succeed. In addition, we currently live in a very dynamic environment which has distorted business as usual in the entrepreneurship space and requires innovative thinking to compete effectively and succeed.

Dudden Hill Foundation aims to bridge the gap through the provision of a well-structured training program, mentorship and work experience opportunity which will be available for application by undergraduate students across the 6 geopolitical zones in Nigeria irrespective of grades achieved by the applicants.