Investing in human capital

Dudden Hill Foundation (DHF) is a self-funded Non-Profit Organization set up with the primary objective of equipping Nigerian undergraduates with the necessary skill set and opportunity to excel in the extremely competitive Nigerian job & entrepreneurship landscape and in turn develop future leaders in all walks of life.

The Next Program

The connector between graduating university students and the job market is currently lacking. With this program, we equip students with all the soft skills needed to ultimately secure their preferred jobs.

Who We Are
Our interest is in highly motivated and determined Nigerian undergraduates.
We develop skills and provide opportunity outlets.
We make sure Nigerian undergraduates excel in their future endeavors.
Our Purpose

We exist to invest in human capital which will ultimately yield economic dividend by educating, equipping, developing and providing young Nigerian undergraduates with the opportunity to have successful thriving careers and businesses.

Our History

Some Journeys are infinite like learning, education and development. We recognize this and had the brainchild to create a foundation with a platform that will supplement traditional university education and also provide exciting future opportunities for highly talented and motivated Nigerian undergraduates. Hence, the reality that today is the Dudden Hill Foundation.

Our Leadership

Steering this new reality for undergraduates all over Nigeria is no small feat. Our commitment is to make sure each candidate is thoroughly equipped and our fulfilment lies in their success stories. Accordingly, good leadership is our biggest advantage.

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What We Do

We are investors in human capital. We do this by organizing workshops both virtually and otherwise with industry experts for Nigerian undergrads. We also further equip them with hands-on work experience through internship placements in multiple industries.

Our Programmes
Next Program
Next Intern
Our Strategy

Through a tailored, robust and well-crafted solution, we provide training for select Nigerian undergraduates and also provide them with the opportunity to work in first class organizations cutting across technology, telecommunications, banking, construction, oil & gas and media sectors in Nigeria...

Candidates are chosen through a well-structured and open process with focus on Nigerian university students who are hardworking, driven and responsible.

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Our Webinars

The Next Webinars are an extension of our learning platform held at intervals through the year. Get firsthand insight about your preferred field from wherever you are.

Industrial Conglomerates
Music, Entertainment, Style and Fashion.
Banking, Finance and Legal.
Corporate Communications, Personal Finance Expert.
Beauty and Cosmetics, Photography and Events Management.
Healthcare, Agriculture and Public Sector.

Interested in working with us?